Heathrow Taxi

Operator & Passenger Agreement

Lawful Agreement

Under the Private Hire Vehicles (London) Act 1998 (the 1998 Act) a licensed operator who accepts a booking from a
passenger is required to enter as principal into a contractual obligation with the passenger to provide the journey
which is the subject of the booking.

KGN Airport Cars Contractual Obligation

In order to comply with the 1998 Act, KGN Airport Cars Ltd confirms that we shall enter into a contractual
obligation as principal with the person making the private hire booking to provide the journey which is the subject of
the booking and any such contractual obligation must be consistent with the 1998 Act and these regulations.

Complying with the Obligation and Fulfilling our Responsibilities

KGN Airport Cars Confirms:
   1. We accept bookings from a passenger rather than anyone else for example a driver
   2. We take responsibility for the journey from point A to Point B, rather than anyone else
   3. All bookings are carried out in a London Licensed Private Hire Vehicle driven by a London Licensed driver
   4. The booking is carried for the fare which was either agreed upon or for which an accurate estimate was provided
   5. Fares are collected by KGN Airport Cars or collected by the driver on behalf of KGN Airport Cars.
   6. We collect and pay VAT on applicable fares
   7. All complaints must be made directly to KGN Airport Cars

A contract will exist between KGN Airport Cars Ltd and the passenger even if it is not recorded in writing and
the same requirements apply even if the agreement is made orally.

Full liability in relation to the transportation services belongs to KGN Airport Cars  Ltd.

Cancellations can only be carried out and confirmed by KGN Airport Cars and the booking passenger.
Although a driver may reject an offer from the Operator to carry out a particular journey.